This is a collection of State, regional, national and world headlines. If you have anyting to add please email Thanks!
Latest Washington State Coronavirus Numbers
Too soon to ease restrictions as case continue to increase
in the Tri-Cities area
Tri Cities COVID cases still increasing
Study shows many in the Tri-Cities are staying home to fight
Suicides surge in Benton County
Stay at home order protests in Richland again Sunday
Tri-Cities clinic offering curbside syringe delivery service
Farmworkers in Central Washington continue to test positive
Seattle tenants eye rent strikes
How Prosser’s Rural Hospital is Treating Coronavirus
Spokane City Council ask for curbside cocktails during
Spokane startups survive by pivoting operations
Wal-Mart mandating one way aisles
Death Toll in U.S. Surpasses 55,000
Most Americans who carry coronavirus don’t know it
Coronavirus forcing many farmers to destroy their crops
10 percent of Americans believe the Government created
People living in low-income communities 3 times more likely
to die from coronavirus
Back to work math gets messy for the newly unemployed
Tyson says the food supply chain is breaking
Frustrated parents giving up on home schooling
Nursing homes push for immunity from Nursing home lawsuits
Publicly Traded Hotel Firms won’t give back stimulus money
California Beaches consider closing after people continue to
flock there
Global Death Toll Surpasses 200,000
World Sick Map
China lays out plan to dominate tech amidst global pandemic
Nicaragua holds boxing match despite warnings
Chile introduces certificates of recovery
New Zealand Claims Elimination of Coronavirus with New Cases
in the Single Digits
Franklin PUD Establishes Wi-Fi Hotspots
Snohomish PUD partners with local union to make masks
BPA looks to purchase Winter loads
Endangered Orcas a prominent part of conference
List of power companies grow in Florida lowering bills and
stretching out payments
NERC report highlights threat of COVID-19 to system
Spokane Family Creates Viral Video
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