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Morning News Brief 4/29/20


Latest COVID Numbers

Possible stay at home order extensions later this week

Doctors and hospitals urging Governor to restart elective surgeries

UW model for social distancing keeps moving to a later date

Pasco now has the most Coronavirus case in the Tri-Cities

1135 cases in Yakima County

Costco in Kennewick requiring customers to wear facemasks

City of Spokane survey on COVID 19 receives thousands of answers

Spokane County Sheriff creates task force to address rising property crime

Growers push back on rules to protect farmworkers

Boeing to cut 15 percent of jobs in their commercial division


America’s Sick Map

VP criticized for not wearing a mask

Stocks sore after potential coronavirus drug announced

Businesses seek sweeping legal shields before reopening

Quarantine fatigue continues

Death toll continues to increase

America could face a protein shortage

Frontline workers hold unprecedented strike


Aviation crisis still at early stages

World Sick Map

Half global workforce risks losing livelihood

Italian Doctor fears to coronavirus contagion

APPA PPC articulate cost concerns with CRSO Draft EIS

Utility Bans are In Effect for Many Families but what happens when they end?

Utility restores power during a mutual aid event using successful COVID 19 protection measures

Moody forecast expects resilience during outbreak

Tri-State, Colorado Cooperatives in ‘Race to the Courthouse’ Over Exit Fee Jurisdiction (Utility Dive)

In 2019, U.S Energy Production Exceeded Consumption for the First Time in 62 Years (U.S. Energy Information Administration)

Seattle Startup WattBuy Shines a New Light on Electric Rates by Plugging into Public Energy Data (GeekWire)

Lewis County PUD, ToledoTel Take Action to Make Wi-Fi Hotspots Available Around the County (The Chronicle, Centralia, WA)
Comcast Extends COVID-19 Response Policies to June 30 (Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA)
Even in Crisis Times, There Is a Push to Wire Rural America (National Public Radio)


KSD Plans for digital graduation ceremony

Sun Terrace Residents shown some love with parade

Mike Gonzalez
Franklin PUD
Sr. Public Relations Manager
Office 509-546-5973
Cell:   509-380-8239


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