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City of Pasco Prepares For First Ever Symphony Concert at Pasco Farmers Market



  TO:  Media, News Directors, Editors, and Producers

Contact: Mike Gonzalez Economic Development Manager, Cell 509-850-4748

The Mid-Columbia Symphony will perform Saturday September 24th at the Pasco Farmers Market. The concert will take place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and is free to the public.

When Mike Gonzalez was hired as the City of Pasco's Economic Development Manager in June of 2021, the newly renovated Pasco Farmers Market was nearly complete. Gonzalez knew that the 6 million dollar structure would open up new opportunities for the downtown core.

 "I looked at the renovation as the new heartbeat of downtown.  I realized the Pasco Farmers Market would have to be the catalyst to revitalization. I can see that starting to happen. We are turning the corner with how things are cleaning up and how Pasco is being recognized for how we are moving the ball forward and this is an example of how that's happening," said Gonzalez.

The symphony performance will take place at the Farmers Market along 4th Ave. The roads will be closed between Lewis and Columbia streets. Columbia will be close from 3rd to 5th Ave. during the concert.

Gonzalez is a busy man these days. He oversees economic development for the City of Pasco. He works closely with home builders on plan reviews, he's the City's liaison to the Downtown Pasco Authority and works closely with the City's Public Relations Manager Jon Funfar on media outreach. Earlier this year Gonzalez helped negotiate the sale of the troubled Thunderbird Motel that will eventually become a parking lot for the Farmers Market. Gonzalez is also helping coordinate the City's first ever symphony concert at the Farmers Market inside Peanuts Park in downtown Pasco. 

The concert is Saturday September 24th from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. It features a 3 hour performance by the Mid-Columbia Symphony and musicians from Colima, Mexico. Bring your lawn chairs and get there early. City officials say there isn't any designated parking lots but there's plenty of on street parking downtown. The concert is free and open to the public. The concert is being supported by the Colima Pasco Friendship and Collaboration Association. The group goes by the acronym COPA and has been at the forefront of developing economic relations with the City of Colima, Mexico. 

                                  WATCH THE MID-COLUMBIA SYMPHONY PERFORM

"This event is the culmination of a visit by four delegates from the governor's office of Colima, Mexico. They'll spend 3 days in Pasco exploring economic development, education and the arts. We have a tremendous itinerary for the group. They'll visit CBC, WSU-Tri-Cities, agricultural facilities, Pasco City Hall and visit with our City Council members. Our Mayor Blanche Barajas will lead the City's delegation and serve as our ambassador," said Gonzalez.

Gonzalez says the City's ties to Colima are strong. In fact it's thought that anywhere from 30 to 40 percent of Pasco's Latino population have ties to Colima. 

"We have a tremendous amount of our residents who have ties to Colima. When you consider more than 50 percent of our population is Latino and nearly 40 percent have ties to Colima, that's a huge opportunity to develop this relationship to its fullest extent. We are proud of that connection and want to leverage that relationship for better trade relations, educational ties and good will," said Gonzalez.


  Jose Iniguez, who is a trained opera singer began dreaming about putting on a symphony concert in September of 2021 at Volunteer Park. But the rise of Covid at the time put a stop to the concert. But Iniguez didn't stop dreaming about the moment it would come to fruition. "It's so exciting. We have 75 musicians and performers that will play Saturday night. I wanted to bring something to Pasco that hasn't been done before. I'm proud of this community and we thank the City for their support," said Iniguez.

"Jose has been a tremendous partner in this process. I have worked hand in hand with him and the COPA board members to make this happen. Jose has passion and his arts organization Encanto Arts has been doing great work across the state and I'm happy he's producing this concert here. From an equity standpoint, this free concert is an opportunity for our young Latino kids who may not get this type of opportunity again to see a symphony perform. I want this to inspire our Pasco kids and families that anything is possible. The arts community deserves a lot of praise for helping make this happen," said Gonzalez. 

The symphony will hold a full rehearsal the evening of Friday September 23rd from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Farmers Market. The public is encouraged to attend the rehearsal and Saturday evening's free concert.

"The concert is going to be an incredible day in Pasco. We'll have the Pasco's Farmers Market from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. then we'll get things ready for the concert. The concert will begin at 6 p.m. sharp on September 24th and is absolutely free to the public. We can't wait to see you there," said Gonzalez.



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