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Morning Coronavirus News Brief 5/4/2020


Washington state cased now more than 15,000

Grim month in Tri-Cities as we surpass 1,000 case and still no peak

How Spokane and Tri-Cities took different approaches to fighting spread of COVID 19

Threat of viruses from animals to humans has always been a threat in the Northwest

Seattle residents say they'll continue to social distance long after coronavirus disappears.

Yakima now at 1,400

Yakima County Coronavirus Rate is the highest on the West Coast

Treat Fruit industry manage challenging times

Golf course face challenging road ahead

Benton Franklin Health District Gathering Masks for Farm Workers

Representative Dan Newhouse releases statement about Governor Inslee’s progress

Oregon Governor launches volunteer COVID 19  testing groups

Washington hospitals and clinic face new threat…Red Ink

Mathematical models predict path of virus but can they be believed?


U.S. Death toll surpasses 67,000

Costco will limit fresh meat sales

Rep. McMorris-Rogers warns of scam calls

337 meat plant workers test positive for COVID 19 without any symptoms


China hid severity of virus outbreak to hoard supplies

Italy reports lowest total since lockdown began

Tests show virus was spreading in Europe in December

President Trump signs executive order securing bulk power

EPA Publishes Clean Water Act

Activist Groups to Washington State Governor: Extend Moratorium on Service Cutoffs by Utilities (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, WA)

‘Status Quo Is Not Working,’ Tribes Say, as Seattle Begins Relicensing Skagit River Hydro (KNKX Radio, Tacoma, WA)

U.S. House Democrats Aim to Put More Than $80 Billion into Broadband Expansion During Coronavirus (CNBC)


Woman gives 50 dollars to every Employee at Joe’s in Kennewick

More than 100 Wa State Parks open Tuesday

Mike Gonzalez
Franklin PUD
Sr. Public Relations Manager
Office 509-546-5973
Cell:   509-380-8239


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