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President Of Association For Disabled Americans Says No On Donald Trump Vote

Daniel Ruiz say Donald Trump is not complying with ADA 

Bring up the name Donald Trump to Daniel Ruiz, current President of Association for Disabled Americans and the emotions start to boil.

"I cannot say that Trump as a "developer" violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, he shows a practice of discriminating those with disabilities when it comes to access to his buildings," says Ruiz.

Ruiz says Trump has been sued over 8 times for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. In fact Ruiz sent me this article from The Huffington Post that recently covered a story about Trump being sued at least 8 times for discriminating those with disabilities at several of his facilities. 

Many may remember Trump mocking a reporter who had questioned his policies during the primaries. That reporter was Serge F. Kovaleski's.

 "Trump, without even batting a lash makes fun of Mr. Kovaleski's disability and one would expect an apology for these ill comments and actions towards an individual with a disability, however, Trump then denies the claim that he mocked Mr. Kovaleski. This type of behavior speaks volumes about one's character. Somehow, Trump justified his actions by mainly side-stepping the media when confronted with questions on why he would do what he did," says Ruiz


"Trump claims to "donate" millions to his own buildings for the "handicapped" and access issues.
I find this rather odd when I hear the words "donate" for the "handicapped" in the same sentence when Trump is referring to his own buildings. I guess Trump figures he can get away without paying Federal Taxes that he can get away by ignoring Federal law when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities Act," said Ruiz. (Start at 30:00 minutes into the rally.)

Ruiz says there are certain yearly tax breaks granted from the Federal government that assist businesses with removing barriers and creating access in places of business. "I find this rather suspect due to the fact of admission that Trump doesn't pay Federal taxes because "He's smart." I'm guessing Federal law ( ADA ) falls under the same category as his taxes," says Ruiz.

When it comes to Trump Ruiz has had first hand experience at one of his Florida hotels. It's been 4 years since his first visit to Trump in Miami, Florida. "I can also comment on a personal visit to this property with my family back in 2012. I only stayed one night due to many issues with the "accessible" room, that if memory serves me correctly was $700.00+ a night. There was no beach access for those that use a wheelchair and a plethora of other violations that dictated my family and me in leaving the next day and completing our vacation elsewhere. It's been nearly 4 years since my first visit and as of last month nothing has been corrected or modified when it comes to the access/barrier issues at Trumps in South Fl. I find this somewhat ironic when we may be voting into office an individual that claims he will "fix" and make America Great again when he can't/won't even fix his own building," says Ruiz.

Ruiz believes there are no excuses 26 years post-ADA to still be encountering such ignorant and insensitive scenarios. "In fact, we are talking discrimination and the last time I checked, that was against the law. Where there is a history of discriminatory allegations, practice and behavior (which In Donald's case includes FHA lawsuits by people of color, as well the ADA lawsuits), then one and all should be wary of trusting the accused to be our President of an already fragile world," says Ruiz.

For Ruiz there's only one clear choice to protect those Americans with disabilities, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "The Secretary has a history of supporting civil rights' causes and programs. And she remains steadfastly on the side of expansion of civil liberties (e.g., gay rights), while it appears that Donald continues to support measures that would harm the most vulnerable in our society. Secretary Clinton is also a strong supporter of Disability Rights Advocate, Anastasia Somoza (See below link) and many other programs and individuals that promote awareness and inclusion for those with disabilities in the workplace and at home," says Ruiz.


Ruiz had the opportunity in the late 90's to meet President Bill Clinton at the White House. (See link below) Where he found himself involved with the National council on Disabilities and learning first hand how important it is to have a Presidential candidate that supports and understand the current issues that individuals with disabilities encounter daily. Not only on the subject matter of access but medical and education as well. (See link)

" Hillary Clinton may have made some poor choices she wishes she could have taken back, we all have. However, what's done is done and we should move forward. At the end of the day, she'll have the experience and demeanor that will represent ALL Americans in a much better light than what Trump can offer. With the population of those potential voters with disabilities nearing 65 million,  ( 1/5th the US population) It's difficult to take any candidate seriously that continues to discriminate on so many levels, towards a population that in many instances are just as active and productive of those without a disability," says Ruiz.

As I said, if Trump can't fix and make a building great, how can we trust him to "fix" and make America great again?," says Ruiz.


  1. You are absolutely right! I am so happy to be able to read an article that is backed by fact check. yes, Our president should speak the truth, and unlike Mr Trump, should be some one who not just make up stories and hope the people buy, He should also present proof, via links, videos, etc. that proof that what he is sating is a "Fact" Just as you did here. Great argument, very well written and fact-checking as well! The new slogan should be: Trump has not made his buildings compliant; since who knows when. I doubt that he can Make America Great Again?

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Also a note worthy slogan for those of us that use a wheelchair. "Can't take a dump at Trumps" :)

  2. This is the way professional journalism looks and feels like. Information, backed up by facts! Great Job Mike. Congrats as well...Nothing like getting two great minds together for the realization of one dream! The story teller, the messenger, the facts- and the people who benefit for the truth... Every body wins..

    1. Thank you mom :) Yes, Mike did a great job as always!


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