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Andre Ward Ready For A Great 2014

Andre Ward poses for pictures with boxers and fans at the USA Championships

World Super Middle Weight Champion Andre Ward is in Spokane Washington showing his support for amateur boxing. Ward is the last male from the United States to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. He achieved the feat in 2004 and says his presence is about motivating the young boxers to be the best in the world. "I'm excited, I think it's important and I've been through the program. I think it's important to show up and let the young ladies and young men see your presence, talk to them and let them know that you support and care for them, "said Ward.

Ward is considered by many the number two pound for pound best fighter in the world. The only person ahead of Ward on that list in Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Ward who is considered one of the most gifted fighters says amateur male boxers in the United States are just as talented as any in the world, despite being shut out of any medals in the 2012 Olympics. "I've been fighting for 20 years and at times I need work and tinkering on my game. Some of these kids have skills I don't have. We have the talent here. Some of the best talent in the world if not the best," said Ward.

Ward is 27-0 as a professional and comes off a win over Edwin Rodriguez after a long layoff.
"It was a 14 month layoff coming off shoulder surgery. It was a long grueling rehab and I felt like I put on a good performance maybe not a great performance but it was against the number one contender and the best guy I could go against and I felt like I did well, " said Ward.

As for what's next, Ward says he's in a good position in his career. Potential match ups being talked about include: Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Gannedy Golovkin. "I'm ready for anyone. I've gotten to the point in my career where I don't have to call guys out. Guys know where to find me and what network I fight for. I fight on HBO and they can pick up the phone and we can try to work a deal out, " says Ward.

Ward's sites are set high for 2014 who is hoping for another banner year. "I just want to go out this year and have a "Fighter Of The Year" type of year. 2 or 3 fights against the top competition and just keep taking my game to the next level, " said Ward.


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